
Keep your pool clear and clean

Pool and spa water can get cloudy or green for two reasons. One, your filtration system is not operating properly or two, your water chemistry is not up to par. As long as pool owners test their chemistry once a week and purchase good quality chemicals, they can rule out chemistry as part of the problem.

Avoid store-bought disasters

Just because you see that 50 pound chlorine bucket on the internet, in Lowes or Walmart on sale for $90.00 does not mean it’s in your best interest. Depending on what is actually in the bucket, this may create a problem or intensify an existing one. Don’t ruin your sunny weekend by tending to the pool’s needs and focus on yours.

Triple A Pool Service makes purchasing chemicals easy. We take away the guess work when buying them. We only offer the highest quality of pool chemicals, unlike conventional stores that sell three types of chlorine powder, two types of chlorine tablets, and huge varieties of DE and Algaecides. We offer sodium dichlor powder and trichlor tablets, both with the least amount of filling agents available made by OnGuard. We have all of your maintenance chemicals such as Ph lower, Ph rise, Alkalinity rise, Cyanuric acid increaser, Calcium increaser and algaecide.

Brands Sold and Serviced. Triple A Pool service, LLC of Allentown, PA

Brands Sold and Serviced.Triple A Pool service, LLC of Allentown, PA

The algaecide is made from 60% poly ethylene, which will not foam and should be the only type of algaecide purchased. We also carry a full line of specialty products such as chlorine free shock, bromine, liquid chlorine (LC), stain and scale remover, phosphate remover, silver algaecide, etc.